Our bodies, as all of nature, manifest the yin and yang energies which make up the relationships we experience. Yin energy offers earthiness, feminine, dark, soft, moist, relaxed qualities in relationship to yang energy which offers spaciousness, masculine, light, hard, dry and active qualities . Yin and yang aspects are relative to one another and the interplay between these two is seen in the dynamics of activity and rest in our bodies and affects our overall health. To put it another way, it is healthful to be active and also to have times of rest. This goes for our choice of daily activities and also how we engage in those activities.
yin and yang in nature- dark and light, front and back, paddling and coasting, left and right…
The yang aspects of your bodies are generally on the top, outside and back. Yin aspects of our bodies are generally on the bottom, underside, and front. An easy way to grasp this is in standing, with your arms out to the sides with palms facing down, your trunk is slightly flexed, your feet are separated shoulder width or more and legs are slightly bent. Now, if a light were shining on you from above, it will illuminate your yang surfaces; top of the head, top of shoulders and arms, back of hands, back of trunk, front and outside of thighs and legs, and top of feet. The yin surfaces would be in shadow: face, under chin and neck, underside of arms and arm pits, palms, front of torso, inner and back of thighs and legs, soles of feet. Some yin and yang parts also contain within them yin and yang areas. One important part to consider is the bottoms of the feet which are yin with respect to the top of the feet. However, on the sole, the heel is yin and the ball of the foot known as “bubbling spring,” is yang.
Dragon and Tiger Qigong, a powerful system which originated in Taoist practices over 1500 years ago is alive and well today due to its effectiveness in balancing yin and yang pathways and clearing energy blocks. Dragon and Tiger practice cultivates the strength of a tiger and the flexibility of a dragon. You could also view this as the nurturing suppleness of a tiger and the fierceness of a dragon. Yin and yang are playing with each other here. Have fun with it!